We equip leaders to transform conflict in a divided world. Our focus on holistic formation builds the foundations of peace for generations to come.
Navigate change. Transform conflict.
Reimagine Peace.
In a divided world, we equip leaders with the habits and skills they need to transform conflict. Our global network connects and resources leaders who are pioneers of reconciliation in their own contexts, bringing people together across divides to reimagine a world of deep to deep collaboration. We specialise in faith-based reconciliation for faith-formed leaders but work across diverse contexts as we innovate on the frontlines of reconciler formation.

Peacemakers in Action: Rose Castle x Tanenbaum

Hope for Unity: A Christian Wisdom of Reconciliation
Rooted in the Christian faith with a deep commitment to Abrahamic relations, our mission is to equip faith-formed and faith-curious leaders with the skills, tools, and habits needed to transform conflict.
With almost 80% of the world’s population describing themselves as religious, the need for faith-based approaches to bring about sustainable peace is widely recognised by governments, the UN, and other international organisations – yet this area remains significantly under-resourced.

Curious about what a year in the life of Rose Castle Foundation looks like?
Read our most recent impact report, which highlights our activity and impact from the past year.
The Rose Way
An approach to building a more sustainable peace in some of the world’s most divided societies.

Our focus on faith and difference makes the Rose Way unique. Our programmes bring this approach to life, bringing together extraordinary leaders into the most unlikely encounters. With an enduring package of support, our leaders embark on a holistic journey towards reconciliation as they become key influencers across challenging divides.
Curious? Our digital brochure explains what The Rose Way is, how it works, and how it might work for you.
"My faith was strengthened, especially following the 12 habits of a reconciler. In the contentious, violent and uncaring society we live in, the Church has a significant role to play as a community of reconcilers. Reconciliation essentially entails reviving relationships that have been destroyed or harmed. To let go of the damaging effects of the past and painful memories is a difficult effort. Therefore, reconciliation requires patience, humility, and time."

"It’s such a joy to work with the Rose Castle Foundation. While they’re giving instruction, they’re also modelling what it means to be a reconciling agent. The whole of who they are has become so committed to the reconciling project, to training people to be agents of healing, for others."

Our Core Practices
Our trainings are designed upon three foundational practices that our network of reconcilers emulate within their own community contexts:
"I would commend the approach and experience of the Rose Castle Foundation in giving a relational tool that can assist in building peace from the family to international diplomacy."

We work in partnership to enable long-term, transformational change.
We work closely with organisations that share our calling to cross divides. Together we equip faith-formed and faith-curious emerging leaders that bring into conversation diverse perspectives and wisdom traditions. Our partners include universities, communities, seminaries, government bodies, and peacebuilding networks.

Join hundreds of leaders around the world who are practicing these 12 habits of reconciliation in their everyday faith and practice.