The Rose Reconciler Hub

Our central Hub for an international community of faith-formed reconcilers to connect, share and empower each other in the work of reconciliation.


The Rose Reconciler Hub is the digital hearth and home where people across the breadth of the Rose network are beginning to gather: participants on our programmes, partners in peacebuilding, supporters of our work, curious professionals, willing learners, volunteers - and beyond.

At the heart of the Hub are the people - people who live and work all over the world, who represent a huge variety of ages, faiths and professions, but who are all passionate about deep-to-deep and faith-based approaches to reconciliation.

We're building the Hub to offer an online home for that community, enabling them to:

  • Continue journeying on the Rose Way to reconciliation through free online events, shared content and resources
  • Foster connections, collaborations and shared learning to empower practical reconciling initiatives
  • Grow in the 12 Habits of a Reconciler and Scriptural Reasoning to nurture personal reconciler growth and support the spread of reconciling practices
  • Share in further training opportunities (including from partner organisations) in the field of peace and reconciliation
  • Facilitate in-person meet-ups and collaborations within local reconciler Hubs

Feature Opportunities

12 Habits of a Reconciler - Reflective Series

We are offering you the formative opportunity to experience and grow in the 12 Habits of a Reconciler through rhythms of reflection, content and events as made possible through the Hub.

Upcoming Events

Check out our series of online events as delivered through the Hub.

Who can join?

Anyone who has interacted with the work of the Rose Castle Foundation and wishes to continue growing as a reconciler is able to join the Rose Reconciler Hub. This may be as a programme participant, partner, volunteer, attendee at an event, or through a connection with Rose Castle Foundation staff.

We also invite those who are newer to our work but who are passionate about going deeper in the work of faith-informed reconciliation to join us.

It’s free - and together we hope to build a supportive community to empower each other to grow in reconciling practices wherever we live, learn, or work.

Join the Rose Reconciler Hub

Get access to our global community of reconcilers, online events, our reflective series on the 12 Habits of a Reconciler, Scriptural Reasoning resources,  … and a whole lot more!

How it Works

The Rose Reconciler Hub (The Hub) is a private digital platform and app currently in its early development stage. You can join by invitation and by signing up here. All requests to join The Hub are reviewed by our Network Engagement staff to ensure the quality of The Hub as a space to connect meaningfully and in accordance with Rose’s values of hospitality, curiosity and respect around difference.

The Hub is currently characterised by the following features:

  • News Feed: Through The Hub, reconcilers get access to Rose Castle Foundation’s latest news, content and resources (including Scriptural Reasoning and on the 12 Habits of a Reconciler). We also encourage all our reconcilers on The Hub to share their learning/interesting resources for the benefit of all.
  • Topics: Content and resources are organised by Topics to enable reconcilers to easily identify and follow relevant topics (and consequently personalise their news feed).
  • Community Groups: The Hub hosts private group spaces to facilitate connection and communication for sub-groups of reconcilers (e.g. between local reconcilers or reconcilers from the same programmatic cohort)
  • Events: The Hub is Rose Castle Foundation’s platform for hosting and advertising online events (e.g. Scriptural Reasoning, dialogue groups, skills sessions). Upcoming events can be viewed and signed up for through the Events section of The Hub.
  • Community: A member directory to identify and contact local reconcilers and reconcilers in specific professions.
RRH Screenshot

Why have the Rose Reconciler Hub?

The Rose Reconciler Hub grew out of recognising that we didn’t want our work to be one-off touch points with people, but instead an investment in the long-term journeys of reconcilers, and that journeys are richer travelled together.

In that light, we have started to bring together our community of reconcilers onto one shared private digital space - the Rose Reconciler Hub - which is already beginning to offer key advantages over other digital/messaging platforms:

  • The entirety of the community can be connected in one same space, without reconcilers having to join any new, public social media platforms
  • It’s private, ensuring a quality of focus on peacebuilding and reconciliation, separate from the noise of other social media platforms
  • It tracks and organises content through topics, articles and posts whilst also having commenting and direct messaging functionality, minimising the loss of information in long threads, whilst also enabling personal communication
  • It can host online events and (in time) has capability to host online trainings
  • It enables people to access news, resources and support directly from our team, and to share news and learnings with each other, too
  • It’s digital, enabling us to connect as a global community, despite the many different places we live and work

We are confident The Hub will continue to develop into a supportive and rich place where reconcilers will continue journeying together to promote reconciliation in local communities, workplaces, centres of learning, and places of worship the world over.

More digital? What about in-person?

The Hub is a place where online connections and learning can become offline relationships and initiatives. Through regular content, questions for reflection, online events, and sharing, The Hub drops seeds of support and inspiration, which grow and materialise into reconciling action in local contexts.

Future Ambitions

Current ambitions for the future include:

  • Opportunities for certified trainings through The Hub in areas such as Scriptural Reasoning and facilitation
  • A ‘reconciler map’ to easily identify local reconcilers and local Scriptural Reasoning groups
  • The increased sharing of opportunities, further trainings and job vacancies
  • Further development around private partner-owned and led cohort spaces to facilitate the mobilisation of reconciler sub-groups and networks

The Hub is but in its early days and we are immensely grateful for feedback to help make it the best place it can be for supporting generations of reconcilers. We welcome your participation in helping us to build this hearth and home together! Your suggestions, dreams, constructive-critical eye and creativity for how to grow The Hub. Please be in touch with our Network Engagement staff, Lakshmi Piette, if you are willing to help shape The Hub!
